Friday, October 8, 2010


Have you ever known someone that you thought was a super hero? I mean growing up, I've met some amazing people, some that were my parents friends who became family, people that are now my friends. And aside from my dad, who will always be my hero... There was this one person who always seemed so strong. Like nothing could get to him or hurt him. I've looked up to him.

It's one of those people that when you get in a fight with your neighbor at 5 years old you think "I'm going to get my uncle %$#@, who's huge to come kick your butt". The one person who corners your fiance against his refrigerator when you visit his house to give him the business about treating you right. And then tells him he's one of the family now.

Well I've found out that my invincible, my super hero, isn't immune to kryptonite. I just don't understand how they don't have a cure for cancer yet. We can put people in space, on the moon, build nuclear warfare. But we can't find something to kill cancer.

Super man, I'm praying for you. And wishing you the best. You can beat this.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just me... That's all

For the last few years I've been trying to figure out just who I am and what type of person I'm meant to be. I've struggled with manic depression and finding my place in this great big world. Which of course is a never ending process. I've lost important people (important to me at the time at least) from my life. And everything I've been through has left a huge impact on my personality.

After a rough road of emotional termoil I think I've really started to see what I want from myself. As a Mother, Wife, and Friend. I spent a long time thinking that I had to prove myself to people or maybe even to myself. I've fought with people for no reason, created drama where it just wasn't necessary, and felt left out when there was no reason for that either. I created a person I thought everyone wanted to be friends with, without, actually fully being myself.

I truly believe that I've been able to take a step back and realize the mistakes that I've made, and learn from them. I'm not looking to be anyone but myself anymore. And if that isn't good enough, then that's just fine with me.
The first step to becoming a better you, is to love yourself. and just work to be a better person.

Think about someone other then yourself.

I've made a huge transformation. And I'm finally happy and proud just to me be.